What to do if you breakdown at a level crossing

Driving is potentially dangerous, but it is important not to worry about things that could happen when driving but at the same time you should know what to do in the unlikely event that something happens.

One of the more unfortunate things that could happen is that you break down on a level crossing. Whilst rare this does happen and so it is best to know what to do.

Think safety first, and if the car does break down on the level crossing, you must get everyone out of the car and away from the level crossing as quickly as you can. This is the single biggest priority.

Once you have done this, then you should contact the signal operator. This person will then tell you how to proceed; they will know the train timetable and whether something is imminent.

It may transpire that it is possible to move the car away from the crossing and off it, but of course if the alarm sounds or the amber light comes on then you should clear the tracks - the signal operator who you call immediately after getting everyone off the tracks will be able to tell you how best to proceed depending on the time when you get stuck on the level crossing and the train timetable.

Finally remember that there is a good deal of information on level crossings in the highway code, and that you should read this and learn what the various signs mean, they all give you some useful piece of information that it is better to know than not to know.

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