Medical rules and driving

There are a wide range of conditions that you can hold and still be a safe driver. However there are certain conditions that will may impact on your ability to be a safe driver and therefore could be a risk to yourself and other road drivers.

Because of this, the DVLA which is the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency must be notified of a certain number of conditions. It is essential that you do let them know if you have any of the listed conditions: if you are in an accident and your health condition is a factor then this could lead to prosecution and also your insurance being voided which is clearly very serious.

There are a very large number of conditions that you need to notify the DVLA about and too many to list here. There is an A - Z list of conditions and more details on each one on the Direct Gov website so if you are in any doubt whether you have a medical condition that should be notified to the DVLA please browse their site here:

There will be a questionnaire to download along with an associated condition and so that needs to be filled in and sent to the DVLA to notify of them so that appropriate measures can be taken.

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