How to pass the hazard perception test

First you need to understand just what a hazard is. Broadly, it is any element that can introduce risk into the driving scenario.

There are various different types of hazard that are possible, and when watching the clips you must be alert and work out what the hazard is in each case, or hazards as applicable.

Hazards could be something like a pedestrian walking along the road, or perhaps really inclement weather making driving conditions difficult and therefore potentially dangerous. Anything that could potentially create risk whilst driving can be deemed a hazard. Some hazards are of course more common than others. Not many of us will have come across a deer crossing the road unless we live somewhere very rural, but it is of course very much a hazard no matter how common or rare it is.

Whilst viewing the clips you will need to identify the hazards by clicking the mouse when you identify the hazard. The quicker you identify it the better, and the higher you score as a result. You are allowed to click either of the buttons on the mouse.

The scoring works on a rating of 0 to 5 for each hazard. If you get it totally wrong or miss it completely then that is 0, rising up to 5 for spotting it at maximal speed.

In order for you to pass the test, then you have to get a score of 44. Since there is a total of 5 x 15 points available (that is 75) then this works out as a requirement to score 59% on the test.

You don't have to wait long for the results of the tests, and get given these soon after taking the test. You need to pass both parts of the test (hazard and question based theory elements of the test) in order to successfully pass the driving theory test. More details on the specifics of the hazard perception test can be found in the other articles in this section.

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