The photocard driving licence

The new type of driving licence is a photocard, and it has several features on it that it is worth understanding once you are issued with your photocard driving licence.

It contains your personal details, the date of licence issue, photo expiry, issuing authority, your driver number, your photograph, signature, address, entitlement categories, holographic feature, changing images. And that is just on the front of the card!

On the back of the card, there are more details and features that it is also worth understanding. These are as follows:

A unique identifier, pictograms, category validity periods, information codes, steering wheel security feature, and other security features too.

So there is a lot of stuff packed into the photocard driving licence that you might not be aware of!

If you want to find out more about the photocard driving licence and the information on it, then you can see a picture that outlines each of the features mentioned above on the front and back of the card and points out where each of them are respectively:

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