Thinking about a greener car

It is interesting to note that a signficant amount of the greenhouse gas emissions of the entire country comes from simply car travel: noticeably over 10% does.

Therefore if you have a type of car that is better for the environment, and enough people do the same, then proportionately the impact on the environment will be lessened, so it is worth considering.

The more efficient the car the better, because this means taht they use less fuel and therefore produce fewer emissions pro rata. Other benefits are that the rate of road tax is lower, which is good for your pocket too.

There are various tables published in car magazines that will go through the relative efficiencies of various cars so that you can see which have better engines than others, in terms of fuel efficiency, so these are definitely worth taking a look at.

There are also various fuel databases that will tell you all sorts of stats such as CO2, or carbon dioxide emissions, the significance here being that CO2 is a significant greenhouse gas which helps to warm the planet.

The newer the car you buy then, to some extent, it is more likely to be greener than in the past because standards are changing all the time and there are Euro standards in place that new cars have to meet on emissions. The Euro number goes up to 5, and the higher the number as a rule of thumb, the cleaner the car, so a 5 rated car is rated as very clean and green.

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