The ABC of dealing with casualties

The ABC refers to how to treat casualties if you are involved in an accident but not injured, or indeed if you are at the scene where an accident occurs.

The A refers to the word airway. This means that if someone has stopped breathing then you should check their airway is clear.

The B refers to breathing. If you have cleared the airway of a person but their breathing does not start, then it may be that mouth to mouth resuscitation is required.

C is the last of the ABC and stands for the circulation. This means that you should check that the person has a pulse.

Providing first aid details is of course beyond the means of an article on a driving theory test questions website - you should seek expert advice on how to give and administer first aid; there are a series of courses that are offered regularly and first aid courses are of course generally useful for a large range of situations: trained first-aiders at work for instance will be able to advise you how to find out more on learning first aid.

The point is that you need to ensure you are able to do more good than harm and not vice versa.

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