Vehicles that cannot be used for a practical test
The vast majority of drivers will of course use the vehicle of their instructor or driving school when they take their practical test and so will not need to worry about the vehicle.
However if you will be using your own vehicle to take the driving practical test then you need to ensure that it is suitable for the test.
There are several reasons why some vehicles can't be used for the test, and that may be something like they have been recalled or have some sort of safety issur or even a fault that has been flagged up by the manufacturer.
The key is to check with the manufacturer that there has been no recall or notice to do with safety in advance of the test, because if there is then you need to bear in mind that you will probably not be able to use that vheicle for the test.
If there is a vehicle that is affected and you use it, then you will need to have documentary evidence to show that any necessary work has been carried out or it is exempt or no work is necessary.
There is a list of affected cars on the DirectGov website which can be found here:
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