What a slippery road surface sign could mean

The problem with a slippery road surface sign is this: whilst you know what it means, you don't know what it means. If that sounds confusing, then the point is simply this - what is it that is causing the road to be slippy and is it something that occurs all year round or not?

Either way you should both slow down when you see this sign and also think about what could be causing the sign to be there. For instance if you are in the country then it could be a muddy road in certain conditions when it has been raining and farm machinery has been over it. Or perhaps there are farm animals in the area that leave cow pats and similar.

Sometimes it will be a road that gets particularly icy at certain times of the year, so the rest of the year it might be alright.

Remember that when you see the sign it does not necessarily mean that the road is slippery right now, but acts as a warning that at certain times either of the day or year or in certain weather conditions it will be. So never take the chance that it is not slippery at the moment when coming to such a sign when you don't know exactly what causes the slipperiness, and reduce your speed to increase your safety.

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