Working out what a road sign means
There are many signs that you will see day in day out as a driver and are obvious to understand. For instance signs that tell you the maximum speed limit on the road you're on. For some reason, the no entry sign seems to be the one that is most recognisable for everyone.
However there are other signs that you won't know as you have never come across them, and some that you do know what they mean but forget.
But there are rules that can help you work out what a sign means, and this is particularly useful if you come across a sign in a theory test and have whittled it down to a couple of options but aren't sure. Sometimes knowing the rules outlined below can help you work out what the sign means:
First of all, if the sign is in a CIRCLE then this means that it is giving orders.
If the sign is in a TRIANGLE then it is giving a warning.
If the sign is in a RECTANGLE, it is giving information.
This simple knowledge can help you work out what a sign means. Now, within the above descriptions there are also colours that act as clues, and by combining the two you will have a good chance of working out what a sign means.
BLUE circles tell you things that you must do, whilst red rings tell you things that you must NOT do.
Blue rectangles give general information, green ones tell you route directions on primary roads, white with black borders give route directions on non-primary roads.
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