How to cancel a theory test

When you book a theory test, you of course choose a date that you think you are going to be able to make.

However with the best will in the world, there are a whole range of reasons why on some occasions candidates may need to cancel the theory test because they are unfortunately unable to make the date that they signed up to. In this instance you will want to cancel your theory test.

There are several ways of cancelling your driving theory test, and these include online or by phone.

The key thing to know about cancelling the test is that you will have to give the DSA a notice period of three working days. Assuming you do this then you can either get a refund, cancel the test or the one that is probably most relevant in the majority of cases: move / change the appointment.

So as long as you are able to give three working days notice then you will be able to take the action that is most appropriate for you.

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