The multiple choice theory test
This is the first part of the theory test, and is done at a computer rather than on paper. There are many places around the country whereby you are able to take the theory test. Your driving instructor will be able to tell you where the nearest locations are so that you can pick the one that is easiest for you to get to.
As the name implies, the purpose is to test that you understand the theory behind driving. This does not just mean knowing what different road signs mean: there is a comprehensive bank of questions covering a range of different topics that you should understand in order to fully appreciate driving theory.
The multiple choice part of the test for car drivers allows you 57 minutes to complete the test. The interface on the computer allows you to flag up questions that you are unsure of and want to come back to later. Therefore if you are unsure of a question rather than wasting too much time on it and potentially not having time to answer subsequent questions, you may like to flag and move on to further questions, then come back to questions you cannot do at the end.
The multiple choice element will ask you 45 questions. Fairly recently there is now a case study question in the test, that allows you up to 5 marks. So there is a total of 50 marks available. You must score 43/50 in order to pass, which equates to a score of 86%.
Please note that this information and site is geared purely towards the car driving theory test. The number of questions and time that is allowed for those driving other vehicles (e.g. buses and lorries) is different.
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