When to expect your licence

The answer to this question depends on whether you have a licence issued after March 2004 or not, which was a photocard driving licence. If so, then you h'll have the option to get it electronically.

If you have a paper driving licence, then you need to complete a declaration on a test pass certificate, then fill in a form called a D1. The D1 is the application for a driving licence form. You need to confirm your identity and send off a passport type photograph of yourself together with your provisional licence.

So how long does it take to get your driving licence? The answer is that it should be back with you within three weeks of your application being received by the DVLA.

Another common question that new drivers have is whether or not they are allowed to drive before they actually receive the licence. Well the answer is that you are able to as long as you meet a certain set of conditions. These are outlined at the bottom of this page on the Direct Gov website:


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